Monday, 4 May 2009

Salty Girl

Will Salty Girl help me to know the current and anticipated business envronment for the results of this design project?Perhaps this is a good time for new business ventures and speaking to Jamie Henderson at innovative portal.
Or will it be beneficial to the stakeholders? will it be beneficial to my career after i leave here i think so.
It helps me to relate and reflect on my drawings and using them as therapy so have i ran a pilot on myself, does it help me to cope with things, like remembering and striking up conversations with people about what i do,will it help those who need it? I aim to do so, cause no one has a magic foresight to predict who will need Palliative Care, we all need care in some shape or form we need things from other people, we need research so that we learn from that and move it somewhere else somewhere different, although i think i am not particularly needy i am really.

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